Playing in Pink Poui Petals

Piece: 'Pothound in the Poui'

Size: 150 x 100 cm

Medium: Acrylic and textured medium on canvas

Artist: Tricia Trotman-Maraj

This piece was inspired by the glorious Poui Tree which blooms during the dry season months in the West Indies. They come in various beautiful colours including lilac, yellow, red, orange and the marvellous pink depicted in the painting. As you drive along the main highway in Trinidad during these months you would notice bursts of colour dotting the northern range. Its delicate petals litter the ground and is indeed a site to behold. There is something magical about laying on a bed of Poui Petals as the wind rustles the branches creating pink snow! Hey, don't knock my imagination. I'ts the closest thing we get to a snow experience in the Caribbean. Even the local terrier or pot-hound has its time on the pink blanket. However you better watch out for those ants especially the ones that bite you and curl up. They can leave you with some pretty ugly scars and there is nothing worse than having one of them crawl into your ear. I should know, but that's another story. Enjoy my pink Poui. I had a good time creating it. It is simply beautiful! Share this blog so your friends can appreciate some Caribbean beauty.


See this piece at my solo exhibition in October 24th - 31st 2017 at Elizabeth James Gallery, London.

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